2023 AAF Memphis Fall Professional Development ProgramCode of Conduct
Student and Professionals participating in the AAF Memphis Student Membership Program agree:
- To act in the best interests of, and fulfill their obligations to their paired student/professional, the mentorship program and AAF Memphis;
- To act honestly, fairly, ethically and with integrity;
- To conduct themselves in a professional, courteous and respectful manner;
- To comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations;
- To act in good faith, responsibly, with due care, competence and diligence, without allowing their independent judgment to be subordinated;
- To act in a manner to enhance and maintain the reputation of their school, company and AAF Memphis;
- To respect the confidentiality of personal or professional information shared during mentorship sessions, including but not limited to any personal discussions or work that may be in progress and not public that professionals share, except when authorized or legally required to disclose such information;
- To not use information acquired in the course of service for personal advantage or disservice to the organization;
- To not violate any federal, state or local laws governing the organization and to understand and adhere with all governing documents applicable to the organization.
Equity and diversity
AAF Memphis actively promotes equal opportunity in all aspects of the club’s activities through strategic initiatives and by eliminating unlawful direct and indirect discrimination and harassment on the grounds of:
- Race, color, national or ethnic origin, descent, nationality
- Sex, gender identity, lawful sexual activity, sexual orientation
- Marital status, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, breastfeeding, family responsibilities, status as a parent or care
- Religious or political belief or activity, industrial activity, irrelevant criminal record
- Age, physical features, disability (past, present or imputed), medical record; and
- Personal association with a person who is identified by reference to any of the above-listed attributes.
A person who has concerns regarding compliance with the AAF Code of Conduct should raise those concerns with the AAF Memphis President.